Zambia is taking over ITV for three whole weeks, starting Monday 25th June, with over 80 appearances acorss three of the UK’s biggest daytime TV shows - Good Morning Britain, Lorraine and Loose Women.
Good Morning Britain will be holding a competition to win a large cash prize, giving one lucky viewer the chance to spend it on their own trip of a lifetime, which may well be to our beautiful Zambia!
The features will show many exciting activities that Zambia has to offer including game drives in the Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park, a visit to the Elephant Cafe where they will be sharing their lunch with a herd of rescue elephants and of course the magnificent Victoria Falls, where GMB presenter Andi Peters will be broadcasting LIVE via helicopter!

Loose Women’s Linda Robinson (best known for her role in "Birds of a Feather") will be zip-lining at 65mph across the gorge, 120 metres above the Zambezi River, so make sure you tune in, to see how she gets on.
For more information and updates about Zambia on ITV please visit

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