If you're selling Zambia or are interested in doing so, spend just 15 minutes this week learning about the latest product developments in Zambia - straight from the Zebra's mouth!

The video features 16 back-to-back interviews with Zambia's top properties from across South Luangwa, the Lower Zambezi, Livingstone and the Kafue National Park. If you didn't attend the 2019 Safari Roadshow this is a perfect opportunity to catch-up on the latest news, put names to faces and see what Zambia has to offer your clients in 2019/2020.

Names include Amy Alderman of The Bushcamp Company, Nick Aslin of Zambian Ground Handlers, Nadja Pilz of Thornicroft Lodge, Agata Passoni of Shenton Safaris and many more.

We hope you find this video informative and we welcome any feedback you may have.

For more information on Zambia and our partners, please contact rich@kamageo.com
or you can visit our website.

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